October 2024

Know All About Architects Design Process & How to Find One


Everyone would have a concept of a dream home. Most people would wish to make the dream a reality. A custom home builder and architect work as a team. However, if you are looking for the best luxury architects and builders in India, you can end the search here. Radvi is one of the leading architects, builders, interior designers and real estate consultants in India. They could help you find a great home or build a home of your own by sticking to your dreams, ideas and budget. Radvi is one of the leading Architects, Builders, Interior Designers & Real Estate Consultants in India.

The builder puts up the structure while the architect actively takes part in the custom design of the home. However, check out the role played by an architect when it comes to the custom home design process.

Find, Select & Purchasing a Land: The initial step in building a home you like is to find the right building site. An architect could provide good inputs on available properties. With various goals in the mind, they could evaluate and identify the problems that might require a compromise in design. Once the land is purchased, the architect will refer you to a qualified surveyor or soil engineer to take a survey of the site and test it before beginning building the house.

Describing the Requirements: Once the land dealing is finalised, the architect prepares a description in detail regarding the requirements of the project such as outline traffic flow from room to room, notes regarding which rooms have optimal views like morning sun or evening breeze, style preferences, detailed list of room sizes and any special requests from the client and so on. The architect, from this list, could estimate the size of the home and prepare a cost estimate. However, if the estimated cost exceeds the budget, they could offer suggestions for cost-cutting and modifications.

Coming up with Initial Design: Once the size and cost estimation is complete, the architect visits the site and prepares site analysis. He also checks the neighbouring homes, restrictions in the site (if any) and the landscape. He prepares a sketch by considering all the aspects and shows the location of the house. He begins to put the layout of the home interiors that would be considered in the plans used by the builder.

Developing the Design: When the design development happens, the architect provides sketches for review. Based on the feedback, the design is refined until it goes well with the buyer’s vision. At this point, the architect begins with the final design drawings. The sketches are drawn well and include details like mechanical and structural considerations.

Documents for Construction: the architect prepares the final plans. It includes the architectural plans and related documents required by the home builder to quote the project and construct the home such as foundation plan, site plan, floor plan, roof plans, framing, details, building sections, exterior & interior elevations, mechanical & electrical layout sheet, written specification for materials and workmanship and energy calculation and heat loss. The role of an architect is as important as a custom builder. Without much planning, the project won’t run smoothly within the budget.

Finding an Architect

Create a Brief: Before you even approach architects, there should be a brief. The architect would want to know the style of home you would prefer once they see the brief so that they would decide if they are interested to work on the project or not. Everything need not be listed in the brief. However, having a brief idea would be helpful for the architect to proceed in the right direction. The brief usually includes things like the number of bedrooms, the number of bathrooms, the style of architecture you would prefer, the material you would favour and the basic factors you think might be considered by the architect.

Finding Architect using Word of Mouth: When it comes to finding an architect, one of the easiest ways to do this would be a Google search targeting the local area. You can also check social media where you could find the architects and designers highlighting the work. You could find their contact details on platforms so that you could get in touch with them. You could hire anyone to work on the project, may it be builders, designers, carpenters and so on. However, it is always a good idea to opt for someone that is recommended by people you know and trust. You could check with your friends, family or relatives if they have worked with an architect they would recommend. However, it would be worth the time if you check out the newly constructed buildings of the particular builder you might opt for, once you see their work. Best Luxury Architects & Builders in India.

Find an Architect Who is Trustworthy: An architect is a person whom you would be trusted to design the dream home. You would be investing a lot of money while designing and in the project. Hence, you have to find someone whom you could approach easily for the requirements. A communication breakdown might affect the entire project. So, you have to make sure that the architect could be a dependable person with whom you are comfortable speaking.

Architect Experienced with Planners: When picking an architect, it would make a difference if they have previous experience of dealing with local planners. When the permission is planned for certain projects whether it is small or large or even detailed, it would pay to have someone fighting your corner who is familiar with the planning authority. They would easily know what might or might not gain approval. They would clearly understand the success rate of other projects in the area.

Architect Whose Work Impressed You Previously: You could find an architect whose work had impressed you. You might have found their work online or you might have visited the house personally. Their website could be the main selling tool and chances are that there would be photographs of their projects so that you could browse through them. This would indicate the quality of work they produce, the style of architecture they might specialise in and the method they are used to when it comes to dealing with the projects. However, it is of utmost importance that you like their project and could provide you with the dream house you are looking for.

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