February 2025

Develop Robust Web Apps with CakePHP


In the past few years, there have been several advancements in business techniques and it is important for the PHP developer to stay updated with recent market trends. PHP is one of scripting language and open source web development approach with sophisticated database. The framework has been crafted with such finesse that all the related frameworks such as CachePHP, Drupal, Magneto, CakePHP, Laravel etc. can be easily integrated to develop the best applications.

There are several IT companies that usually prefer to develop most of their sites on this framework. The technology is competent enough to create all kinds of apps whether simple or complex. PHP is used and integrated with different types of OS, several software platforms as well as several database management systems. It is one of the major reasons why a lot of software companies in the present time are aggressively outsourcing the project to offshore php developer.

The other point of PHP web app development which has conquered the market over the years is cakephp application development. CakePHP is an open source, free, quick application development structure for PHP. It is so sophisticated and advanced it doesn’t need any external codes burrowing. The code framework is completely organized and you just have to embed some of them to develop a comprehensive website or app.

As it is an antecedent of PHP, it will offer a clean look to your website and there is no need to maintenance. By using CakePHP, you can save a lot of money, time and effort. You can also get much expected exposure on the SEO front. Offshore PHP developer is using it because of exception and long term benefits offered by it.

The clients who are interested in getting better navigation and manageability for their website will find CakePHP matching well to their website requirements. Along with it, the smoother runtime operations will be instrumental in accomplishing much deserved position on the search engines. As time is moving ahead, the scalability factor is also easily getting adopted by CakePHP. The perfect example of this case is that it can easily be run on several kinds of operating systems and internet browsers.

The overall functionality factors are extremely flexible which doesn’t allow you to face any technical issue with your site. In order to get it synced with the recent technological trends, it is also necessary for you to keep on amending its old structure and include the functionality of the newer versions.

Below here are some of the features which CakePHP offers:

  1. MVC architecture support
  2. Code generation
  3. Data sanitization
  4. Compatible with PHP version 4 as well as 5
  5. Localization
  6. Mail, Cookie, Safety, Session as well as Request Handling Tools
  7. Easy Caching
  8. Easy Licensing
  9. Request dispatcher with clear, personalized URLs and routes
  10. Easy ACL
  11. Quick and flexible templating
  12. Built-in validation
  13. Application scaffolding
  14. View helpers for HTML, JavaScript, AJAX and several others
  15. CRUD for better database interaction

Apart from CakePHP, CodeIgniter has been quite famous with developers. However, if you want a web development in this language, then it is suggested that you choose a CodeIgniter web framework development company.

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