March 2025

What are the most important details you need to know about managing GERD in kids?


GERD stands for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease which is a chronic digestive disorder that occurs when the stomach as it will be frequently flowing back into the oesophagus and creates discomfort as well as irritation. No doubt occasional acid reflex is very much normal but GERD in kids will lead to persistent symptoms like heartburn, nausea, vomiting and coughing. If it has been not treated very well it will lead to a significant number of issues related to the sleep, growth and behaviour of the kids. So consistently remaining in touch with the pediatric gastroenterologist in Vijayawada will be recommended for parents in this case so that everything will be very well sorted out without any problem. Following are the most important tips that you need to take into account in this case to carry out things very efficiently:

  1. It is important to identify the symptoms very early: Recognising the symptoms of GERD in kids will be very critical for early intervention and common symptoms of this case will be frequent vomiting, heartburn, chest pain, chronic cough, difficulty in breathing, meditation, poor appetite or weight loss. If your child is frequently experiencing any of such symptoms then definitely you need to get in touch with the paediatric gastroenterologist for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
  2. It is important to modify your diet: Diet plays a very critical role in managing the GERD which is the main reason that there will be some of the food that will be triggering the acid production in the body and some of the food options will be helpful in soothing the digestion. So, in such cases, we should always focus on avoiding spicy foods, citrus fruits, fried and fatty foods, chocolate, caffeinated drinks, peppermint and other associated things. On the other hand, introducing GERD-friendly foods will be very important for people for example oatmeal, lean meat, non-acidic vegetables, whole grains, bananas and apples. Encouraging the consumption of small and frequent meals and the kids will be very important so that there is no chance of overloading this stomach and these things are very well sorted out.
  3. It is important to encourage proper eating habits: How your child is consistently eating is very important to be taken into account and following healthy eating habits will be very important in this case to prevent the problem of acid reflux. Eating slowly and encouraging your child to properly chew the food will be very important so that there is no chance of any kind of rushing through the meals. Sitting upright during and after eating will be very important so that things are very well sorted out and you should also focus on avoiding lying down after eating. Limiting heavy meals before bedtime is also very important so that digestion will be promoted without any issues.
  4. It is important to focus on maintaining a healthy weight: Excessive presence of weight will put a lot of pressure on the stomach which further leads to a significant number of issues in the form of GERD symptoms if your child is overweight then you should focus on encouraging the physical activity by making them participate into sports, swimming and cycling. Promoting the consumption of a balanced diet is another very important thing that you need to take into account so that junk food will be reduced and fibre intake will be increased. Reducing the consumption of processed foods and sugary foods will be very important so that everything will be very well sorted out and maintenance of a healthy weight will be proficiently done. The paediatric gastrologist Vijayawada will very well recommend the people focus on maintaining a healthy weight right from the beginning so that there is no development or worsening of the symptoms related to GERD.
  5. It is important to adjust the sleeping position: The way in which your children are sleeping will significantly impact the acid reflux and trying out all of the sleeping tips to manage the GERD will be very important. For this, you should focus on elevating the head of the bed by approximately 4-6 inches using the pillow so that things are very well sorted out and there will be no chance of any kind of acid from travelling the backup. Carrying sleeping on the left side is also equally important because this will be helpful in reducing the episodes of acid reflux and will make sure that things are sorted out. Avoiding sleeping on the stomach or back is another very important aspect that you need to take very seriously so that there is no scope for any kind of worsening of the condition and chances of discomfort will be the bare minimum. This will be helpful in managing the symptoms very easily and will make sure that children will be able to promote their overall well-being.
  6. It is important to take the element of hydration very seriously: Proper hydration will be definitely helpful in promoting digestion and some of the drinks will worsen the condition of GERD. So, you should always focus on encouraging your water intake by taking small sips of water throughout the day so that you can neutralise the stomach acid avoiding citrus juices, soda and other associated drinks will be very important so that there is no chance of any kind of issues. It is also very important to focus on herbal tea because this will be helpful in providing you with relaxing benefits.
  7. It is important to manage the stress and anxiety: Another very important thing that you need to take into account is to focus on managing these stress and anxiety because when the children will be encouraging themselves to manage the stress then definitely, they will be able to promote the overall time routine and eventually will be able to improve the digestion as well as overall health.

Apart from the points mentioned above is also very important for people to focus on shifting the focus to medication only whenever the doctors are prescribing it so that tracking of the symptoms will be very well done and everybody will be able to enjoy a very well cricket treatment plan for the child. If the symptoms still persist then definitely you need to be clear about visiting the gastroenterologist for further evaluation and treatment so that everything will be supported with the right approach right from the beginning.

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