October 2024

How to Optimize Meta tags to Improve SEO: Tips and Examples


Resorting to the optimization of all SEO factors On Page and Off Page is the most recommended if we want to improve the visibility of a web project and increase organic traffic and income.

Especially, if the competition is very high, to take care or pamper the maximum of those little details, it will give us that push to be on top. While Off Page optimization, such as link building, remains one of the objectives set as a priority on the agenda of any SEO professional.

On Page factors are no less important, and even more so in these times that run where the semantic search based on the Users’ search intentions are gaining strength. And it is that search engines try to improve their algorithms every day, and in a graduated way.

The potential of the domain’s authority or popularity has been balanced, with factors such as content quality, web structuring, relevance and user experience taking on equal or greater importance, which is why optimization of the latter factors is increasingly strong in the success or not of search engine optimization.

The Importance of Html tags in SEO

It must be said that SEO tags had a very significant impact on SERP rankings in the past and currently, some of the tags have become a somewhat controversial factor for On Page optimization, and have caused various debates regarding their importance.

What labels are currently obsolete? Which are of vital importance? To answer these questions, I think it is convenient to understand the role and meaning of each one of them, and thus be able to draw their own conclusions.

In this post we will see how we can use each of the SEO tags and their relative impact on the SERP rankings, which has obviously changed over the years. One can monitor every change chunk by chunk if they follow the appropriate SEO community or by following the experts advice like “seo company dubai”.

Throughout these years, search engines have become smarter when it comes to reading and interpreting data, which is why the use of all kinds of labels in a manipulative way has become somewhat obsolete.

However, there are new tags and new ways to organize data with them, which makes good use of tags can lead to very significant improvements in the website SEO.

Main Meta Tags or SEO On Page Tags and examples

Title Tag or Title Tag

Here first of all a nuance, the <title> … </title> is not the same as the meta tag «Title». And it is that I always recommend applying both, with the same content in both. In this post that Luis M. Villanueva recommended, it is explained in more depth.

The <title> belongs to the <head> section and specifies the title of a web page. It usually appears as the clickable headline on SERPs and also appears on social media and browsers in the tabs section.

The <title> tag is intended to provide search engines with a clear and complete idea of ​​what the page content is about, but do they have the same SEO impact that they have had for a few years?

The truth is that they are no longer the cure for all ills, since the optimization of the title with the exact keyword no longer seems to be so important to Google, and this has been replaced by the CTR of each result among other factors such as the Dwell Time.

Example of the html tag:

< title> How to optimize meta tags to improve SEO: Tips and examples </title>

But the page title is still the first thing a search engine looks to alter SERP results and decide whether the page is more or less likely to respond to the user’s search attempt.

The fact that two equal results appear in the SERPs with an exact match phrase in the title, implies that search engines are becoming more intelligent, and give greater importance to reading and understanding the content and its context, instead of relying only on the importance of keywords.

To Maximize the Title tag, these tips will come in Handy:

– Each page title must be unique and cannot be repeated on other web pages.

– The length of the titles must be between 50-60 characters so that it can be fully visible in the SERPs.

– Place the most qualified keyword or the one that you want to position the most at the beginning of the title.

– Including the brand name in the titles benefits a lot in many cases.

Important: Using emojis in the titles can make a visual difference in the SERPs that the user can prioritize, and therefore can make the CTR improve, but this must be measured whenever the emoji starts to be included, to check whether or not the CTR improves.

Meta Description Tag

The meta description is also included in the header of a web page, and is generally displayed in a snippet of SERPs just below the page’s title and url. The purpose of the meta description is to reflect the essence of a page, giving more details and further contextualizing its content.

It should be noted that meta description has not been an official SEO factor for many years. However, the importance of the descriptions focuses on the important value that it has in the CTR, in the user’s decision regarding the results of the SERPs.

The description occupies most of a fragment of the SERPs, which is why it provides a great opportunity to invite the user to click, and promise to give a clear and complete solution to the query that the user is making.

Making manipulative use of the description, without describing exactly and realistically what appears in the content, in order to get more clicks, can lead to an improvement in the CTR, but a very high bounce rate, which is why It is recommended that the description be realistic and attractive, clearly reflecting the content.

For the good optimization of the meta description, the following is recommended:

– Each page must have a unique meta description that clearly reflects what will be found in its content.

– The fragment of the description has a maximum of around 150-160 characters (including spaces) although in this last year, this fragment or snippet has allowed, according to queries, more than 160 characters, up to 300.

– Include the Keywords that are more meaningful or better describe the content and have relevance, but not using them excessively. It has to be written for users.

Important note: As in the meta title, it is allowed to include emojis in order to stand out a little more in the SERPs, so it is recommended by digitalmarketing experts to measure their impact in terms of CTR, and take advantage of them.

On the other hand, it is also recommended that it be known for what type of queries Google allows a broader snippet or fragment of 160 characters, in order to make the most of them.

Although it must be said that Google displays different descriptions according to the type of query performed, and sometimes this is not the same as the one included in the meta description.

Header Labels (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6)

Header tags are HTML tags that are applied to identify headlines and subheadings within content. The hierarchy of the headings goes from h1 to h6, with h1 being the most important.

H1 is the main heading of a page (visible to users, unlike the title or meta description) and is the most prominent tag that shows what the page is about next to the title. The h2-h6 tags are optional tags to organize content in an easier way to navigate.

Example of the Html Meta Tag:

<h1> <b> Search Engine Optimization SEO </b> </h1>

Good use of headings adds to the correct structuring or web architecture, since it is easier for search engines to read and understand well-organized content than to crawl content with structural problems.

On the other hand, for users, headings are like a guide within content, and make reading much easier. Note that for blind people, headings are of vital importance for the good and easy interpretation of the content.

Following headline SEO best practices, these tips will help you optimize headers:

– For each page there must be a unique h1 that reflects the theme that the page covers, making use of the most qualified keywords and taking advantage of the semantics so that it is not identical to the title.

– The use of the h2 to h6 tags must be appropriate, without exceeding, and using relevant secondary keywords for each of the headings, which improves the semantics of the content.

The Meta name Keyword Tags

As we said at the beginning of the post, the meta keywords or keyword tags played a major role in the beginnings of search engine positioning.

They were keywords only visible in the source code of the pages, and they were very relevant information so that search engines could detect the context and theme of the url in question.

But over the years, keyword meta tags were a breeding ground for spam in terms of SEO, and it was that they over-optimized and downplayed the content of the page itself.

Because of this, Google has ignored this meta tag for years, and they currently have no impact on rankings, nor can they cause a penalty if used.

Alt Attribute of Images

The image Alt attribute is added using an image tag to describe its content. Alt attributes are very important in terms of page optimization, both for users and search engines.

The Alt attribute provides the user with the information of the image when hovering over it, and in case of not loading the image, the user could see the alternative text.

On the other hand, the Alt attribute helps search engines to understand the context and meaning of the image, so that it can interpret it and later classify or index it correctly in Google Images.

For e-commerce or electronic stores, images have a very important role, since if they are well optimized, in image searches, the images may appear in searches related to the query and the keywords that have been included in the attribute Alt.

For the good optimization of the Alt attribute of the images, these tips are recommended:

– Make an effort to especially optimize the most prominent or relevant images (products for sale on the pages that generate business, for example), adding the most relevant and qualified keywords.

– Keep the text that is included in the Alt attribute of the images, ls sufficiently clear and descriptive, using the most relevant keywords and ensuring that they fit in the most natural way in relation to the context of the image and the page in question.

– Keep in mind that Googlebot-Image is the bot that is responsible for tracking images.

Nofollow Attribute

External or outgoing links are those links implemented within a website that point to other external pages. These links are very important for good SEO positioning, since they provide credibility, when referring to trusted sources, which endorse the content.

It should be noted that all links naturally are DoFollow, and when the NoFollow attribute is added to a link, robots or crawlers from search engines are being instructed not to follow that link, to disregard it, and therefore, that you do not distribute through this link any Link Juice or Popularity of the web;

It is a very common technique, to efficiently structure the LinkJuice transmission, also known as Link Sculpting.

Example of the rel = »nofollow» attribute:

<a href=»https://twitter.com/ManuPerez» rel=»nofollow» class=»icon»>

<span> Twitter </ span>


To maintain good optimization of outbound links, it is recommended that there be a balance between DoFollow and NoFollow links, but especially, it is recommended to follow these tips when including the NoFollow attribute to outbound links:

– Include the NoFollow attribute to those links that point to content that is not very trustworthy, or that is hardly related to the theme of the page.

– Also include it in those sponsored or paid links.

– It is also recommended to include it in the comments of other users, in order to avoid toxic or spam links.

– And finally, it is highly recommended to include the NoFollow attribute in those internal links that you do not want to follow, for example the “Login” or register pages, or the intranet, in order to reduce the crawl or crawl budget.

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